Explore Pw7's Core Features

Discover how Pw7’s innovative platform offers both social engagement and complete privacy, empowering you to control your online experience.

Two Bubbles, One Platform

Pw7’s unique two-bubble system gives you the best of both worlds: a secure space for social interaction and a completely private bubble for encrypted communication, where only you hold the keys.

Outer Bubble: Safe Social Engagement

Engage with others without worrying about ads, tracking, or algorithms. Your data is yours, and your conversations stay private in a clean, controlled environment.

Inner Bubble: Total Privacy

Your personal space is encrypted from end to end. You control who has access, and no one can view your data—not even Pw7.

Advanced Security Features

With features like Immutable Storage (POET) and encrypted file sharing, your sensitive data is fully protected against tampering and unauthorized access.

Private Communications Suite

Text, voice, and video—securely. Pw7’s suite of communication tools ensures you can interact safely, whether chatting with friends or collaborating on projects.